Thursday 26 June 2014


On a day to day basis I tend to reach towards a simple smokey eye that will make my bluey/green eyes stand out and mix well with my blonde hair. Golden colours are perfect for spring and summer whether you're creating a simple, not too obvious eye look for the day, or mix it up with some false lashes for night time.

How did I achieve this look?
It's pretty simple, as I don't like to spend too much time doing my eye makeup as I take too much care and time on my foundation and contour routine. All you need to create this look:

MUA Palette in Heaven and Earth
Benefit They're Real Mascara
Maybelline Gel Liner
Nouveau Lashes - Collection 1*
Ultra Bond Lash Adhesive*

To start off I combined the two lightest shades from the palette and placed all over my lid using a flat eyeshadow brush, concentrating mainly on the inner corner to middle part of my eye. I then went for a light brown shade from the palette just to start outlining the crease using a fluffy blending brush. I gradually started applying darker tones of brown until everything was seamless and blended. To add some extra detail to the look I knew I wanted to apply some false lashes to finish the look off. Because of this I applied a thin line of gel liner across my top lash line with a teeny flick (lets face it, i'm not the best at applying gel eyeliner!)to make the lashes blend in to give a more natural look.

Normally the thought of applying false lashes sends shivers down my spine. The numerous times i've created a really lovely eye look and then completely ruined it by having finger prints in my eyeshadow from trying to keep the lashes stuck down, nightmare. The other day I took the plunge and decided to apply the collection 1 lashes from Nouveau Lashes combined with the Ultra Bond Lash Adhesive, which were both very kindly sent to me. I applied the adhesive and waited until it was tacky on the lashes (I placed extra glue on the ends as they're usually the areas which lashes tend to pull away from), I then took some tweezers and very gently but the lashes on my lash line. With a few adjustments and no fingers used, the lashes were stuck down! I was SO impressed, as that's never happened to me before when applying BOTH pairs of lashes. The two products work really well together to give a natural, subtle eye look that is so quick to do. 

The golden smoked eye works so well with the Nouveau Lashes. The lashes claimed to be "Nothing too heavy, just a soft, sophisticated and seductive lift for your eyes" which I one hundred million percent agree with. I applied the lashes on Tuesday morning and were still firmly intact on my lash line come Monday evening. After applying them you can barely feel that they're on your eyes and mainly you don't look like you've got spiders on your eyes. I love these lashes and if you're interested please take a look at the Nouveau Lashes website where you can purchase the same lashes I used, or from another collection. 

Hope you liked this post, please let me know if you liked it and what's your go to eye look?

emma x 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! Really easy and best of all, really cheap! :-)

  2. Hello lovely, I've just came across your blog and it's awesome!

    I'm your newest follower and look forward to your next post - Amazing lashes!

    I have a new outfit post up on my blog, would love to know your thoughts :)


    1. Aw thank you so much! :-)
      I'll be sure to give your blog a look and a follow x

  3. What a lovely makeup! Loving the shape of your eyebrows, they're really nice, also you have such an awesome blog, loove the design of it! I'm following you on bloglovin! Maybe we could follow each other :D

    Beatriz,xo || Classy and Trendy

    1. Aww that's so lovely, thank you thank you thank you! I've actually forgotten my login details for Bloglovin' but we could exchange follows on here instead?:-)

      Emma x //

  4. you have beautiful eyes *_* and nice make up!


  5. You really have beautiful eyes. Make up makes it look even more prominent.Would you like to follow each
    other via GFC, Google+ & Bloglovin? Lemme know!
    & take care!


  6. Wow your eyes are amazing!! just love this look so natural :) xx

    1. Thank you lovely :-) Just followed your blog xx
